Top Causes of truck Accidents | Adkins Law Firm | Video

When driving in Atlanta, it is important to be aware of the top causes of truck accidents. The most common cause of truck accidents is distracted driving. Other causes include improper loading, unsafe roads, and driver fatigue. Truck drivers are also at risk of falling asleep while driving, as they can drive up to 1,000Continue reading “Top Causes of truck Accidents | Adkins Law Firm | Video”

Personal Injury and Accident Lawyer in Atlanta | Adkins Law Firm, LLC

Best Personal Injury and Accident Law Firm, John W. Adkins, is here to help you and your family after an accident. You need to know your rights and understand what compensation you may be entitled to. Personal injury and accident lawyer is the legal field that deals with cases involving injury or accident, or both.Continue reading “Personal Injury and Accident Lawyer in Atlanta | Adkins Law Firm, LLC”

What are the worst things to do in a case of personal injury?

Clients often ask us whether it is safe to assume there is auto insurance in the event of a personal injury case going to trial. The answer is “YES”. There is a 99.9% probability that your lawyer will find that insurance covers your personal injury law if it goes to trial. After the lawyer hasContinue reading “What are the worst things to do in a case of personal injury?”

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